Monday, March 5, 2012

I get it now

My onions and carrots have sprouted! I feel more joy at this than I thought I would. For years as a teenager I looked at my mother and thought...

Why would you want to dig in the dirt all afternoon....?
I get it now

Why don't you just put away all that clean laundry...?
I get it now

Why do you have so much fabric that you never seem to use?
I get it now

Why are there always toys all over the family room floor?
I get it now

Why do you hide cookies all over the house?
I get it now

Why don't you do your hair and makeup on weekdays until 3 minutes before Dad gets home....?
I get it now

Why do you need so much coffee to get through your day...?
I get it now

Why won't you just leave me alone...?
I get it now

As a teenager I often prayed that God would keep me from turning out like my mother. And everytime I catch a glimpse of her in my bathroom mirror, I thank God that He didn't answer that prayer...I get it now.


  1. How long did it take for your carrots to sprout?

    1. 12 days. But, I don't know how much climate has to do with it. We are having a really mild winter...a lot like a cold San Diego winter. Rainy, 60-70*, but is still frosting occasionally at night, so I planted tomatoes, eggplant, bell pepper and some squashes inside. I think I over answered your question lol
